We invite you to participate in our community meetings, where we will collectively review and enhance the How-To-Kit. The purpose of these meetings is to review the kit as a group. We encourage suggestions and questions as to what contents might be missing, as well as what additional voices should be invited in. We encourage art-making, note-taking and all modes of expression throughout our time together. This meeting is facilitated by engAGE Living Lab team members Carly McAskill and Moh Abdolreza.

Our researchers have written the first draft of eLL How-To-Kit, including ten main sections. In each meeting, we read the text together. Then we will start discussing and brainstorming ideas. Here is the list of sessions: 


Mall as Third Space

Tuesday, June 27 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm on Zoom

Aging, Social Isolation, & Circles of Care

Tuesday, July 4 from 2:30 – 4:00 pm in person at the SGW Art Hive

Media Spa

Friday, July 7 from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm on Zoom

Public Practice Art Therapy: Facilitation Approach & Round Tables

Tuesday, July 11 from 11:30 – 1:30 pm in person at the SGW Art Hive and Zoom

Movement Hive


Pop-Up Art Hives

Tuesday, July 18 from 11:30 – 1:30 pm in person at the SGW Art Hive and Zoom


Friday, July 21 from 11:30 – 1:30 pm on Zoom

Art Hives Community of Practice

Friday, July 28 from 11:30 – 1:30 pm on Zoom

Community Art Exhibitions

Tuesday, August 1 from 11:30 – 1:30 pm on Zoom

Creative Science Shop

Tuesday, August 8 from 11:30 – 1:30 pm on Zoom

Outreach & Scaling: Supporting Community Members Starting and Sustaining Creative Initiatives

Friday, August 11 from 11:30 – 1:30 pm on Zoom


Please contact us with any questions, at engagelivinglab@concordia.ca

Around the Table: Cookbooks with Care

The Creative engAGE Living Lab (ELL) community is happy to share art, poetry, photos, stories, and memories that are inspired by favourite recipes they enjoy eating, making, sharing, and ordering out.

Participating Artists

Alice Balka
Alison Bowie
Arianna Garcia-Fialdini
Avy Loftus
Brock Dishart
Carly and Ashley McAskill
Daryl Zoellner
Edna Katz-Silver
Eva Halus
Gilles Chiasson

Hélène Arseneault
Jack Nathanson
Janis Timm-Bottos
Jennifer Lee
Lisa Potter
Lynn Kerr
Malake Ackaoui
Mingyue Tao
Monique Bee
Muriel Herrington
Naj Mahani

Nathan Ward
Pandora Hobby
Rachel Chainey
Richard Chenier
Rose Weekes
Ruth Boomer
Sasha and Laura
Sharon Smith
Sue Proctor
Suzanne Melanson
Yafa Goawily

Community Cookbook

Download the PDF version of the cookbook to get inspired by the recipes, stories, and images from participating community members.

My grandma used to make Sambosak and sending it to school when I was growing up. I love them so much. The sambosak and my grandma.

Yafa Goawily

In our Postcard in the Kitchen Art Hives, we exchanged not only recipes but talked about food choices, lifestyles, nutrition, gardening, harvesting and traditional foods. With the gift of Zoom, participants gathered from many corners of the world.

Sue Proctor

I love doing art and showing my work in art shows. I love painting on wine glasses, mugs, plates, vases, bookmarks and cards. It makes me happy.

Lynn Kerr

Vernissage and potluck

Cookbook presentation
  • engage living lab at Cavendish mall

When I need to reboot my creativity I often go the Jean Talon Market and soak up the beautiful colours and shapes of fruits and vegetables – a succulent rainbow of delicious carmine reds, saturated cadmium yellows, intense oranges and vibrant greens, velvety purples and indigo blues. I come refreshed spiritually and exuberant about the fine feast that awaits me. The spectrum of cornucopia spills into my dreams, then eventually in my paintings the following day. So, here’s staying healthy thanks to the gift of fruits and vegetables!

Richard Chenier

The Art Hives’ Science Shop presents:
“Senior STEAM” Teapot Chats: What keeps your engine running?
This afternoon series of public creative science conversations will highlight older adults’ passion and ingenuity that help navigate challenges of aging in Quebec.

This series will illuminate the creative projects and inventions supported by the arts, sciences, and community-building that older adults are involved in that bring personal and community health and well-being.


Facebook event here

Event by Art Hives / Les Ruches d’ArtWIN: The West-end Intergenerational Network and Concordia University Art Hives

Location: Concordia University Art Hive campus Loyola

Duration: 1 hr 30 min


Join us Wednesdays at tea time to share what’s working about growing older through short talks and long conversations. All ages are welcome to hear from our older adults in the community, to join in the discussion, and to create art.

The speakers who will kickstart the conversation on Wednesday December 4th are:

Satoshi Ikeda
“Carbon catching art for global cooling”.
Satoshi is a professor at Concordia University, with research interests in the political sociology of global futures and sustainable alternatives to corporate economy. Satoshi role models, educates, and inspires the students and community members to build their own initiatives of sustainable and collective practices on campus and into the community.

Peter MacLaurin
He is a retired teacher from Montreal Oral School for the Deaf, living in the Laurentians. At 80 years of age, he is a school board commissioner (Sir Wilfred Laurier), Morin Heights Town Councillor and a maker of maple syrup which has found its way around the world. Today he will be talking about Being engaged, involved and helping others.

The series will resume in January at the Meet Me at the Mall Living Lab, 5800 Cavendish, Space C-14.

As an older adult, if you or someone you know would like to sign-up to briefly introduce the inspiration for one of the teapot chats this fall, kindly reach out to Lindsay Clarke for more details (honorarium provided for speaker)

The Art Hives’ Science Shop presents:
“Senior STEAM” Teapot Chats: What keeps your engine running?
This afternoon series of public creative science conversations will highlight older adults’ passion and ingenuity that help navigate challenges of aging in Quebec.

This series will illuminate the creative projects and inventions supported by the arts, sciences, and community-building that older adults are involved in that bring personal and community health and well-being.


Facebook event here

Event by Art Hives / Les Ruches d’ArtWIN: The West-end Intergenerational Network and Concordia University Art Hives

Location: Concordia University Art Hive campus Loyola

Duration: 1 hr 30 min


Join us Wednesdays at tea time to share what’s working about growing older through short talks and long conversations. All ages are welcome to hear from our older adults in the community, to join in the discussion, and to create art.

The speakers who will kickstart the conversation on Wednesday November 20th are:

Marie Cornellier
A mother, grandmother, a queer disabled woman who has processed her relationship with the Living through images and writing for at least three decades. Her main interests converged with her main issues: trauma, healing and togetherness. More recently she started sharing her poetry in diverse Montreal Open Mic locations.

For the last three years, she has given much of her attention to decolonize herself : as a mean to better understand our history and relationship with Indigenous Peoples here on Turtle Island / Canada; and as a process to deconstruct our ways of thinking and acting that are framed by oppression. A process that has greatly transformed her. She now gives workshops on decolonization from a settler point of view. Find Marie’s website here.

Diane Erickson
“The many stages of retirement: discovering meaning and fulfillment in present life”
14 years ago I retired from a teaching career. The journey of retirement has been full of ongoing changes leading to a discovery of what is most important to me.

As an older adult, if you or someone you know would like to sign-up to briefly introduce the inspiration for one of the teapot chats this fall, kindly reach out to Lindsay Clarke for more details (honorarium provided for speaker)

The Art Hives’ Science Shop presents:
“Senior STEAM” Teapot Chats: What keeps your engine running?
This afternoon series of public creative science conversations will highlight older adults’ passion and ingenuity that help navigate challenges of aging in Quebec.

This series will illuminate the creative projects and inventions supported by the arts, sciences, and community-building that older adults are involved in that bring personal and community health and well-being.


Facebook event here

Event by Art Hives / Les Ruches d’ArtWIN: The West-end Intergenerational Network and Concordia University Art Hives

Location: Concordia University Art Hive campus Loyola

Duration: 1 hr 30 min


Join us Wednesdays at tea time to share what’s working about growing older through short talks and long conversations. All ages are welcome to hear from our older adults in the community, to join in the discussion, and to create art.

The speakers who will kickstart the conversation on Wednesday November 6th are:

Diana Bruno– “How do you create meaning and structure in your life in retirement?”
Find out how Diana Bruno reinvented herself from a CEGEP ESL teacher into a collector of words who wrote a French-English culinary and restaurant service lexicon that was published earlier this year.

Malaka Ackaoui– “How experimenting with art has brought health and new life.”
Bio: I practiced Urban Design and Landscape Architecture for 40 years before retiring. Cancer accelerated my retirement plan, but I am extremely grateful for my new life.
Although I have always loved arts, my work took me away from it. Now I am back and enjoy every minute of it, experimenting with drawing & painting (acrylic, watercolour, pastels), jewelry making, sewing, making art with school children, just to name a few.

Any opportunity to make art makes me happy.

Malaka Ackaoui

As an older adult, if you or someone you know would like to sign-up to briefly introduce the inspiration for one of the teapot chats this fall, kindly reach out to Lindsay Clarke for more details (honorarium provided for speaker)

The Art Hives’ Science Shop presents:
“Senior STEAM” Teapot Chats: What keeps your engine running?
This afternoon series of public creative science conversations will highlight older adults’ passion and ingenuity that help navigate challenges of aging in Quebec.

This series will illuminate the creative projects and inventions supported by the arts, sciences, and community-building that older adults are involved in that bring personal and community health and well-being.


Facebook event here

Event by Art Hives / Les Ruches d’ArtWIN: The West-end Intergenerational Network and Concordia University Art Hives

Location: Concordia University Art Hive campus Loyola

Duration: 1 hr 30 min


Join us Wednesdays at tea time to share what’s working about growing older through short talks and long conversations. All ages are welcome to hear from our older adults in the community, to join in the discussion, and to create art.

The speakers who will kickstart the conversation on Wednesday October 23rd are:

Cleopatra Tesolin:
Mindful meditation and art, with a focus on representational drawing. The practice of being present, connecting to the breath and to “ observed subject/object” how the hand acts as an extension of the visual field.
“I have always kept close contact with the visual arts, either “hands on” or as a viewer. As a former kindergarten teacher the arts played a large and important part of the curriculum. I was always amazed how many children “just do it” for the sensory pleasure. The word “art” has a broader definition for me now, the realization and expression of an idea , material undefined and unlimited.”

Norma Gilbert:
Strategies for Healthy Memory.
“After working for almost twenty years in Social Gerontology as a researcher practitioner at the CIUSSS of west-Montreal I retired last year. I have always been fascinated by anything to do with the brain and memory and during my working years I co-authored a Memory Workshop called Jog your Mind for older people to help them keep their memory intact for as long as possible. There is a lot of misinformation around regarding the memory and people are always worried about dementia. My talk will center on how we can tell the difference when we notice changes we are experiencing in our memory is just simply a part the normal aging process or if it may be something more serious.”

As an older adult, if you or someone you know would like to sign-up to briefly introduce the inspiration for one of the teapot chats this fall, kindly reach out to Lindsay Clarke for more details (honorarium provided for speaker)

The Art Hives’ Science Shop presents:
“Senior STEAM” Teapot Chats: What keeps your engine running?
This afternoon series of public creative science conversations will highlight older adults’ passion and ingenuity that help navigate challenges of aging in Quebec.

This series will illuminate the creative projects and inventions supported by the arts, sciences, and community-building that older adults are involved in that bring personal and community health and well-being.


Facebook event here

Event by Art Hives / Les Ruches d’ArtWIN: The West-end Intergenerational Network and Concordia University Art Hives

Location: Concordia University Art Hive campus Loyola

Duration: 1 hr 30 min


Join us Wednesdays at tea time to share what’s working about growing older through short talks and long conversations. All ages are welcome to hear from our older adults in the community, to join in the discussion, and to create art.

The speakers who will kickstart the conversation on Wednesday October 9th are:

Arlyle Waring:
Life’s Tapestry – Weaving Past and Present
As we age many of us build on our early experiences and passions. Arlyle studied, lived and worked in China for three decades. That experience led her to a deeper appreciation of her own NDG community and also to an interest in Chinese culture. She was active in a number of NDG community projects – the Empress Theatre project, the Benny Farm Task Force and CARTES ETC – a retail store offering local arts. Currently, she is curating and running two ETSY online stores that offer the creations of local artists, vintage items from China and Canada, and more recently her own creations of jewelry from old Chinese coins. Combining these two interests, her community and China, have made this chapter of her life very satisfying.

Martha Gomez:
Formerly a biomedical engineer, she is a Qualified Teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), and has been practicing meditation and yoga for 14 years. Her extensive formal training and daily practice in Mindfulness has afforded her a deep understanding of its far-reaching benefits and subtle nuances; she had honed her abilities through extensive experience teaching Mindfulness to oncology patients in various healthcare facilities. She is passionate about aging consciously, finding inspiration, joy and living with enthusiasm, and eager to share this with you.

Kenneth Hillam:
an independent scholar with a background in agriculture, engineering and business. He is passionate about researching ideas for better health, housing and devices for disabled community members. His search led him to discover Mongolian Yurts as an an optimal design for accessible, inexpensive and flexible housing solutions that can be built by seniors themselves.

As an older adult, if you or someone you know would like to sign-up to briefly introduce the inspiration for one of the teapot chats this fall, kindly reach out to Lindsay Clarke for more details (honorarium provided for speaker)

The Art Hives’ Science Shop presents:
“Senior STEAM” Teapot Chats: What keeps your engine running?
This afternoon series of public creative science conversations will highlight older adults’ passion and ingenuity that help navigate challenges of aging in Quebec.

This series will illuminate the creative projects and inventions supported by the arts, sciences, and community-building that older adults are involved in that bring personal and community health and well-being.


Facebook event here

Event by Art Hives / Les Ruches d’Art, WIN: The West-end Intergenerational Network and Concordia University Art Hives

Location: Concordia University Art Hive campus Loyola

Duration: 1 hr 30 min


Join us Wednesdays at tea time to share what’s working about growing older through short talks and long conversations. All ages are welcome to hear from our older adults in the community, to join in the discussion, and to create art.

The speakers who will kickstart the conversation on Wednesday September 25th are:

Dorothy Spevack- “Ear Seeds & Acupuncture”:
Dorothy is a social worker and NADA-trained Auricular Detox Specialist. She will present 5 point ear acupuncture/ear seeds as a wellness practice.

Leo Bottos- “Men’s / Mensch Shed”
Leo is an artist and engineer, and the volunteer lead facilitator at the Donald Berman Maimonides Geriatric Residence’s Men’s/Mensch Shed. In a Shed, men get together for activities like woodworking projects, cooking, bike repairs, music, etc. The movement started in Australia in 2007, expanding the tradition of backyard sheds into collaborative, communal spaces for the wellbeing of senior men.

As an older adult, if you or someone you know would like to sign-up to briefly introduce the inspiration for one of the teapot chats this fall, kindly reach out to Lindsay Clarke for more details (honorarium provided for speaker)

Concordia University’s engAGE Living Lab and CREGES present

Community-Defined Evidence: Health, Creativity and the Power of the People

A symposium about transformative research practices supporting equity, diversity and inclusion.

Community-Defined Evidence seeks to develop an evidence base that uses cultural and/or community indices, to influence the research and evaluation agenda, as well as policymakers and funding agencies, to implement and use innovative community-based practices to reduce disparities and improve availability, quality, and outcomes of healthcare for all individuals and families.


​​”Community-Defined Evidence: Imagine the Possibilities”

Kenneth J. Martínez, Psy.D.

Graphic notes by Carly McAskill and Moh Abdolreza

  • Power to the people
  • Community-Defined Evidence. Health, Community and the power of the People, September 22, 2022
  • Transformational change. Teachers and students for each other.
  • Knowledge mobilization. Everyone is an expert in their own life
  • Creative Living Lab. Inclusion, resilient, networking, intergenerational
  • Imagine the possibilities. Soft and Hard Power. Inclusive ways of working. Values & principles.
  • Learning from community. I want to learn from you! Holistic. Intersectionality.
  • Bigger picture.
  • Approval from community. Research Agenda, funding agenda. Plan & design with community.
  • Action. What values? Acknowledge slavery, historical trauma, boarding schools
  • Cultural Shift. No more silence. No more harm.
  • Methodological pluralism. Values, religion, family, ritual, spiritual, academic, policy.
  • Imagine

“Working with communities as partners in research – from inception to publication”

Dr. Myrna Lashley

Graphic notes by Carly McAskill

  • Belonging. Do it with us, not for us. Talk to each other



9-9:30 Opening Remarks by Mohawk Elder Tealey Ka’senni:saks Normandin

9:30-10:15 Morning Keynote Speaker: Dr. Kenneth Martinez, Psy. D.

10:45-12:00 Morning Lightning Talks:

  1. The Necessity of Belonging and its Realization in Community Spaces, Dr. Darla Fortune, Concordia University’s engAGE Centre for Research on Aging
  2. How Open Science is Transforming Research, Dr. Krista Byers Heinlein, Concordia University & Open Science
  3. Art Therapy as a Medical Tool, Dr. Giuseppe Mazza, M.D., Artruisme, 
  4. Human Support Ecosystems and the Co-development of Smart Homes in Support of Fragile and Isolated Older Adults: A Living Lab in Côte St-Luc, Sandra Smele, PhD Candidate, CREGES, Inclusive Aging, Diversity, Health and Well-Being

1:00-1:45 Afternoon Keynote Speaker: Dr. Myrna Lashley, McGill

2:00-3:15 Afternoon Participatory Lightning Workshop: Shopping Malls as Social Infrastructure for Creativity and Mental Health through a Community Defined Evidence Lens


  1. Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos, engAGE Living Lab
  2. Dr. Najmeh Khalili-Mahani, engAGE Living Lab’s Media Spa
  3. Yafa Goawily, Cornwall Art Hive
  4. Carmen Oprea, PhD Candidate, engAGE Living Lab Research

3:30-4:00 Closing Participatory Art Activity with Artist Arianna Garcia-Fialdini, PhD Candidate


9:00-9:45 Participatory Round Table: Where are we with promoting community defined evidence with funders and policy makers?

10:00-11:45 Creative World Café.

11:45-12:00 Launch of engAGE Living Lab’s Mini-Documentary with Film Director Yafa Goawily


Mohawk Elder Tealey Ka’senni:saks Normandin

Introductory remarks:

Mohawk Elder Tealey Ka’senni:saks Normandin

Tealey Ka’senni:saks Normandin is Kanien’kehá:ka from Kahnawake, adopted during the sixty scoop, Bear Clan. She has been working at the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal since 2007. Read entire Bio here

Morning Keynote Speaker: Kenneth J. Martínez, Psy.D.
Morning Keynote Speaker:
Kenneth J. Martínez, Psy.D.
“​​Community-Defined Evidence: Imagine the Possibilities”
Afternoon Keynote Speaker: Dr. Myrna Lashley
Afternoon Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Myrna Lashley
“Working with communities as partners in research – from inception to publication”
Dr. Darla-Fortune
“The Necessity of Belonging and its Realization in Community Spaces”
Dr. Krista Byers Heinlein
“How Open Science is Transforming Research”

Dr. Giuseppe (Joe) Mazza, MD
“Art Therapy as a Medical Tool”
Sandra Smele, PhD Candidate
“Human Support Ecosystems and the Co-development of Smart Homes”

Afternoon Participatory Lightning Workshop

Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos,
engAGE Living Lab
Dr. Najmeh Khalili-Mahani,
engAGE Living Lab’s Media Spa
Yafa Goawily,
Cornwall Art Hive
Carmen Oprea,
PhD Candidate,

engAGE Living Lab Research
Arianna Garcia-Fialdini
Participatory Art Invitation

Concordia University’s engAGE Living Lab Créatif offers opportunities for a fruitful exchange of ideas informed by a growing community of older adults, students, and university researchers, in its lab located within the Quartier Cavendish shopping centre in Cote Saint-Luc, Québec.

CREGÉS brings together the worlds of research, professional practice and citizen action around a common project, social gerontology. Social gerontology is a multidisciplinary field of study focused on the social aspects of aging.

Please join us on Wednesday, August 3, from 5:00-6:30 pm EDT, for the Creative Science Shop at the engAGE Living Lab at Cavendish Mall (5800 Cavendish Blvd, Côte Saint-Luc, Quebec – QC H4W 2T5).

“The future is unapologetically collective, it begins with a shift in human consciousness [. . . ] and extends to re-engagement with our greatest ideals of economic, social and political justice for all.”

Todd Dufresne, a Canadian social and cultural theorist

Come to our Creative Science Shop to participate in a discussion on how individual citizens can take small steps in our daily life to become aware of our environmental imprint and to act as conscious consumers. With out two invitees Cyndie and William, we will be exploring how we can develop a low footprint on the earth by putting environmental consciousness and economic value in our shopping basket and leisure activities.

Cyndie Bussiere is an art therapist with a master’s degree from Concordia University. She has a private practice and is interested in therapeutic approaches incorporating nature.

William Wisenthal is interested in environmental issues. He has a Master of Education from Brock University and worked in the public and private sector. He has been active in the investment business for the last 22 years.

The Creative Science Shop is a semi-monthly studio meet-up, both online and in-person at the Cavendish Mall. It is an exchange of ideas, innovations, scientific and artistic projects. This intergenerational group brings together passion in the arts and sciences from older adults, students, and researchers.

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