A biweekly gathering to share recipes and stories of food, people, and places.

This intergenerational group is a space to learn from each other and share in connection to food and its rich meaning within our lives.
Participants come to exchange tips, memories, favourite dishes, laughs and a good chat.
How to participate?
We meet online every second Wednesday. Please check our calendar to find out the date of our next “Postcards from the Kitchen”.
Everyone is welcome to participate in any of the engAGE Living Lab activities. To get instructions on how to join, please send an email to engagelivinglab@concordia.ca
Postcards from your kitchen
Sharing your culinary art, recipes and pictures in this online public setting is completely voluntary. We welcome you to submit your art to share.
Home made bread
by CarinaArt by Moh. Inspired by the conversation. Balcony garden.
Thyme and lettuce.Pumpkins by Sinthia Art by Sue Egg Tostadas, by Momo Art by Carly “Capirotada” by Momo Iced Tea, by Diana Art by Moh